All donations are tax-deductible. Our tax Id number is 81-0616251. Annual receipts will be mailed for donations made by a Check or Faith Direct.
Mail Donations to: St. Vincent de Paul At St. Jude Catholic Church Donate P.O. Box 1493 College Station by using Faith Direct, , use the "Edit My Gifts" Fredericksburg, VA 22402 button. Find St. Vincent de Paul under "Recurring Gifts".
Just come by St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store At St Mary Catholic Church Donate 142 Olde Greenwich Dr. by using the Poor Box located at the back Fredericksburg, VA 22407 of the church between the vestibule doors. We have a Donation Box (Please do not use this addess to mail donations. Mail is sometimes not delivered.)
Donations of Clothing, Furniture and Household Goods are also very welcomed at the back door of the the Thrift Store Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10-4 or on Tuesday & Thursday 10-Noon.