Caroline County
Food Resources
Agape Fellowship Ministries26 Perchwood Dr Fredericksburg, VA540-657-5771Sturday 11:00-1:00pm
Beula Baptist Church
5216 Arcadia Rd Woodford,VA 22580
2nd Tuesday 2:00-4:00
Call for Food for Life Assistance
Bethel United Methodist Church
1738 Dawn Blvd Caroline, VA
2nd Wednesday (Call Ahead)
Bowling Green United Methodist Church
112 Main St Bowling Green,VA
Last Thursday of Month 5:30-6:30
Bragg Hill Family Life Center
400 Bragg Hill Dr Fredericksburg, VA
Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm
Clothing Closet, Job & Housing Referrals
Christ Lutheran Church
1300 Augustine Ave Fredericksburg, VA
Wed 1pm-2:30pm(Patrons can only come once a month)
Community Ministry Center
918 Bragg Road Fredericksburg, VA
Tues 6pm-8pm, Thurs 9am-11am, Saturday 9am-11am
All are welcome
Concord Baptist Church
15625 Concord Rd Ruther Glen, Va
2nd Thur of month 6pm-7pm
Fairview Baptist Church
Genesis Ministry
900 Charlotte St Fredericksburg, VA
2nd & 4th Saturday 9:30am-11am
Fredericksburg Reginal Food Bank
3631 Lee Hill Dr Fredericksburg, VA
Diane Grimes
Provide SNAP Application Assistance
Fredericksburg United Methodist Church
308 Hanover St Fredericksburg, VA
no ID needed
USDA Food Pantry
Tuesday, Thursday 2pm-4pm
and Saturday 10am-12 noon
Glory Outreach
144 E Broaddus Ave Bowling Green, VA
Tues 6pm-8pm Fri 10am-12am
Call for Food for Life Assistance
Grace Chruch of Fredericksburg
1141 Heatherstone Dr Fredericksburg
Mon, Wed, & Fri 9am-5pm
Tues & Thurs 12:30pm-5pm
Jeruselem Baptist Church
21180 Bagby Rd Sparta, VA
Call for an appointment
Lambert and Withers Food Pantry
at Fairview
900 Charlotte St Fredericksburg, VA
2nd & 4th Saturday 9:30am-11am
Massaponax Baptist Church
5101 Massaponax Chruch Rd
3rd Monday 6pm-8pm
Must complete application and have phonto ID
Micah Ecumenical Hospitality Center
1013 Princess Anne St Fredericksburg
Homeless help: Simple meals, Shower, Clothing, Use of mailing address & local calls
Mobile Pantry-Bowing Green Baptist
225 North Main St Bowling Green, VA.
3rd Thurday 10:00am
Moble Pantry will not run during inclement weather, local school closings or if the date is a Holiday.
Mobile Pantry-Meadow Event Park13048 Meadow Farm Rd Bowling Green.540-371-76664th Wed 10:00am
Moble Pantry will not run during inclement weather, local school closings or if the date is a Holiday.
Mobile Pantry-Massaponax High 8201 Jeff Davis Hwy Fredericksburg540-371-76662nd Thurs 1:00pm-2:00pm
Moble Pantry will not run during inclement weather, local school closings or if the date is a Holiday.
Mobile Pantry-Loyd D Moss Free Clinic 1301 Sam Perry Blvd Fredericksburg540-371-76663rd Thurs 1:00pm-2:00pm
Moble Pantry will not run during inclement weather, local school closings or if the date is a Holiday.
Mobile Pantry-Port Royal
Ruritan Building 419 King St Port Royal, VA540-371-76661st Wed 12:30pmMoble Pantry will not run during inclement weather, local school closings or if the date is a Holiday.
Mobile Pantry-Spotswood Baptist Church4107 Lafayette Blvd Fredericksburg540-371-76662nd Thrs 1:00pm-2:00pmMoble Pantry will not run during inclement weather, local school closings or if the date is a Holiday.
Mobile Pantry-R&D Campground 22085 Sparta Rd Milford, VA 540-371-76661st Wed 10:00am Moble Pantry will not run during inclement weather, local school closings or if the date is a Holiday. Mobile Pantry-Third Mt. Zion Baptist Church 9132 Fredericksburg Tpke 540-371-7666 4th Tues 11am-noon Moble Pantry will not run during inclement weather, local school closings or if the date is a Holiday. New Life Community Church 1449 Courthouse Rd Stafford 540-659-5356 Mon-Fri 9am-5:30am (Call First leave name and phone # Limited Assistance) New Vision Kingdom of God Ministries 4956 Southpoint Parkway Fredericksburg 540-479-2435 2nd & 4th Sat 10am-noon All welcome! First time patrons must complete a form Praise Temple Apostolic Faith Church of VA 13121 Woodford Rd Woodford,VA 540-903-5034 3rd Sat 10:30am-11:30am Rehoboth United Methodist Church 18580 Partlow Rd Beaverdam VA 504-448-3619 4th Wed 5:30pm-7:30pm Round Oak Baptist Church 15025 Pepmeier Hill Rd Corbin, VA 540-373-6862 1st & 3rd Wed 10am-noon (small dry goods pantry off of Rt 2) Salem Baptist Church Glory Outreach (Sparta) 148 E Broaddus Ave Bowling Green, VA 804-633-5583 Tues 6pm-8pm & Fri 10am-noon USDA Pantry & Clothing in town of Bowling Green Salvation Army 821 Lafayette Blvd Fredericksburg Tues & Thurs 8:30am-11:30am & 1:00pm-4:30pm All are Welcome Second Mount Zion Baptist Church 31220 Old Dawn Rd 804-994-5266 Mon 6pm-7pm Tues 2pm-3pm Please call first Shiloh Baptist Old Site 801 Sophia St Fredericksburg, VA 540-373-8701 Wed 9:00am-noon USDA pantry Call for Food for Life & Medication Assistance Spotswood Baptist Church 4006 Lafayette Blvd Fredericksburg 540-898-0757 2nd & 4th Tues 9am-11am Must show photo ID and only provided every 2 months St. George's Episcopal Church 905 Princess Anne Fredericksburg,VA 540-373-4133 Tues 9:30am-11am Fresh Fruits & Vegetables St. James Baptist Church 19514 Sparta Rd 804-633-7183 3rd Thurs 6pm-7:30pm(call first) St. Mary of the Annunciation 1036 Ladysmith Rd Ladysmith, VA 804-448-9064 Tues & Thurs 6pm-8pm (once a month) Storehouse Ministries 2303 Airport Ave Fredericskburg,VA 540-654-5281 Tues & Thurs 12:30pm-2pm Emergency Food) The Presbyterian Church 810 Princess Anne St Fredericksburg,VA 540-373-7057 Mon, Wed & Fri 11am-1pm at 304 Geoge St) Call first and bring photo ID VA Cooperative Extension Office 109 County St Bowling Green,VA 804-633-6550 Caroline County Residents only Please call for appointment Wilderness Community Church 10501 Plank Rd Fredericksburg VA 540-972-8808 Sat 7"30am-10:30am All are welcome!
Mobile Pantry-R&D Campground 22085 Sparta Rd Milford, VA 540-371-76661st Wed 10:00am Moble Pantry will not run during inclement weather, local school closings or if the date is a Holiday. Mobile Pantry-Third Mt. Zion Baptist Church 9132 Fredericksburg Tpke 540-371-7666 4th Tues 11am-noon Moble Pantry will not run during inclement weather, local school closings or if the date is a Holiday. New Life Community Church 1449 Courthouse Rd Stafford 540-659-5356 Mon-Fri 9am-5:30am (Call First leave name and phone # Limited Assistance) New Vision Kingdom of God Ministries 4956 Southpoint Parkway Fredericksburg 540-479-2435 2nd & 4th Sat 10am-noon All welcome! First time patrons must complete a form Praise Temple Apostolic Faith Church of VA 13121 Woodford Rd Woodford,VA 540-903-5034 3rd Sat 10:30am-11:30am Rehoboth United Methodist Church 18580 Partlow Rd Beaverdam VA 504-448-3619 4th Wed 5:30pm-7:30pm Round Oak Baptist Church 15025 Pepmeier Hill Rd Corbin, VA 540-373-6862 1st & 3rd Wed 10am-noon (small dry goods pantry off of Rt 2) Salem Baptist Church Glory Outreach (Sparta) 148 E Broaddus Ave Bowling Green, VA 804-633-5583 Tues 6pm-8pm & Fri 10am-noon USDA Pantry & Clothing in town of Bowling Green Salvation Army 821 Lafayette Blvd Fredericksburg Tues & Thurs 8:30am-11:30am & 1:00pm-4:30pm All are Welcome Second Mount Zion Baptist Church 31220 Old Dawn Rd 804-994-5266 Mon 6pm-7pm Tues 2pm-3pm Please call first Shiloh Baptist Old Site 801 Sophia St Fredericksburg, VA 540-373-8701 Wed 9:00am-noon USDA pantry Call for Food for Life & Medication Assistance Spotswood Baptist Church 4006 Lafayette Blvd Fredericksburg 540-898-0757 2nd & 4th Tues 9am-11am Must show photo ID and only provided every 2 months St. George's Episcopal Church 905 Princess Anne Fredericksburg,VA 540-373-4133 Tues 9:30am-11am Fresh Fruits & Vegetables St. James Baptist Church 19514 Sparta Rd 804-633-7183 3rd Thurs 6pm-7:30pm(call first) St. Mary of the Annunciation 1036 Ladysmith Rd Ladysmith, VA 804-448-9064 Tues & Thurs 6pm-8pm (once a month) Storehouse Ministries 2303 Airport Ave Fredericskburg,VA 540-654-5281 Tues & Thurs 12:30pm-2pm Emergency Food) The Presbyterian Church 810 Princess Anne St Fredericksburg,VA 540-373-7057 Mon, Wed & Fri 11am-1pm at 304 Geoge St) Call first and bring photo ID VA Cooperative Extension Office 109 County St Bowling Green,VA 804-633-6550 Caroline County Residents only Please call for appointment Wilderness Community Church 10501 Plank Rd Fredericksburg VA 540-972-8808 Sat 7"30am-10:30am All are welcome!